Race, Plain Reading, and Frederick Douglass's Constitution:

A Special Lecture by Professor Lloyd Pratt

Organized by the Nagoya University American Literature/Culture Society with the support of the Center for Transregional Culture and Society, Nagoya University

Date/Time: Friday, January 24th, 2020, 17:00 - 18:30

Venue: Multimedia Meeting Room (Room 701, aka "Open Hall"), Integrated Humanities Building (Bunkei-sogo-kan)

Lecturer: Professor Lloyd Pratt (Oxford University)


Lecture title: "Race, Plain Reading, and Frederick Douglass's Constitution"

Language: English

★ Admission free

Contact: Akitoshi Nagahata (e43479a@cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

Lecture abstract

Frederick Douglass's disagreements with white abolitionists over the content and meaning of the US Constitution and its relation to racial slavery marked a turning point in his intellectual and political career. These disagreements pivoted on what Douglass called his "plain reading" of the Constitution. This lecture considers how Douglass's account of plain reading fits with his investment in rhetorical play elsewhere in his public discourse. It also examines how the relative inattention to African American intellectual history in recent calls for new modes of reading in the humanities has undersold the complexity of African American thinking on the relation of reading to politics.

オックスフォード大学教授の Lloyd Pratt 先生(Drue Heinz Professor of American Literature)をお招きして、以下の講演会を開催します。ご関心をお持ちの皆さま、どうぞご参加下さい。

Race, Plain Reading, and Frederick Douglass's Constitution: A Special Lecture by Professor Lloyd Pratt



講師:Lloyd Pratt 教授(オックスフォード大学) https://www.english.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-lloyd-pratt

題:"Race, Plain Reading, and Frederick Douglass's Constitution"




